
Landscaping Works For A Residential Morcellement In Cote D’or

Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd is inviting sealed bids from eligible and qualified Bidders for Landscaping Works for a Residential Morcellement in Cote D’Or, as fully described in the Bidding Document




Selection Of Consultancy Services For A Residential Morcellement At Camp Ithier

Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd is inviting sealed bids from eligible local Consultants to submit proposals for consultancy services for the design and construction supervision of infrastructure works of a Residential Morcellement at Camp Ithier.






The lifts will be sold on an ‘’as is basis ‘’
a. Lifts may be viewed on level 1 at Cyber Tower 2 Building, Cybercity, Ebène on Tuesday 29 March 2022
from 10:00 hours to 12:00 hours.
b. Bid should be submitted separately for each lift. A buyer may quote for one or more lifts.
c. Bids in sealed envelope, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and clearly marked “Sale of
Second-Hand Lifts- Ref: CPIL-CT2-MR22-179” should be deposited in the Tender Box of Landscope
(Mauritius) Ltd located at the 7th Floor, Wing A, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Tower, Cybercity, Ebène not later
than Monday 04 April 2022 at 14:00 hours. Offers received after the specified closing date and time will
not be considered.


Consultancy Services for Design and Construction Supervision of Infrastructure Works


Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd is inviting sealed bids from eligible local Consultants to submit proposals for consultancy services for the design and construction supervision of infrastructure works for Residential Morcellement projects at Cote D’Or.

The Request for Proposals document can be downloaded by interested bidders from the website of Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd on Prospective bidders should regularly visit the website to take cognizance of any addendum and/or clarification(s) issued.


Naila Hanoomanjee, CEO de Landscope Mauritius : «Il y a un engouement pour Côte d’or»


Landscope Mauritius commercialise ces jours-ci son tout premier morcellement résidentiel, Iremia. Situé à Côte d’Or, il suscite déjà de l’intérêt auprès des investisseurs. La CEO de Landscope Mauritius revient sur l’origine de ce projet.

Fidèle à sa mission d’aménageur d’espaces, Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd commercialise ces jours-ci son premier morcellement résidentiel Iremia, situé au cœur de la future Côte d’Or Smart City. Quelle est la philosophie qui a guidé la conception de ce projet ?

Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de lancer Iremia à Côte d’Or, car c’est notre tout premier développement résidentiel. Ce projet s’inscrit dans notre stratégie de diversification, rendue possible par la performance robuste de Landscope durant ces dernières années. À travers Iremia, nous avons voulu mettre notre expertise dans le domaine du développement et de la gestion des biens immobiliers au service des particuliers et des familles mauriciennes. Pour cela, nous avons été attentifs à leurs besoins et aspirations. Ce morcellement se situe dans une région résidentielle très prisée, entre Moka et Highlands et bénéficie d’un cadre de vie paisible et sécurisé, tout en restant connecté aux facilités de la vie urbaine et accessible par plusieurs routes et autoroutes.

L’appellation même du morcellement résume la philosophie qui nous a guidés. En effet, le mot grec Iremia signifie «calme, sérénité et quiétude», des notions qui occupent une place importante dans ce monde post-Covid.


Source :


Invitation To Bid Open Advertised Bidding (National)


Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd is inviting sealed bids from eligible and qualified Bidders for the Framework Agreement for the Refurbishment, Maintenance, Repairs and Associated Works of Landscope Industrial properties as fully described in the Bidding Documents. The attention of bidders is drawn to the fact that works which will be allocated through call offs will not exceed MUR 3.0 M exclusive of VAT at any one time.

Bidders should be registered with CIDB in the grade of A to H under the class of Building Construction Works or Civil Engineering Construction Works.

A set of Bidding Documents can be downloaded by interested Bidders from the website of Landscope (Mauritius) Ltd on Prospective Bidders should regularly visit the website to take cognizance of any addendum and/or clarification(s) issued


Entretien de Naila Hanoomanjee, CEO de Landscope Mauritius, sur le tout premier projet de Morcellement Résidentiel à Côte D’or, notamment, Irémia.

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Source: Immobilier & Construction